The Quest Forward Schools Network
A Forward Path
Quest Forward Learning schools are established, secondary schools that have elected to implement all aspects of Opportunity Education’s Quest Forward Learning framework. Using Quest Forward Learning, each school fosters the mindset, habits and skills that will enable students to succeed in their lives, their communities and their country. Schools interested in using Quest Forward Learning should contact the Opportunity Education Foundation Tanzania team. Opportunity Education provides each school with a detailed implementation plan, ongoing mentor and school leader support, and access to the Quest Forward Learning Platform.
2024 Quest Forward Schools in Tanzania
Quest Forward Schools in Tanzania
Arusha City Boys Secondary School
EL-Shammah Secondary School
Dar es Salaam
Alpha Girls School
Alpha High School
Ghomme Secondary School
Glerons Girls Secondary School
Highview Secondary School
Ibun Jazar Islamic Secondary School
Ihsan Islamic Secondary School
New Era Montessori Secondary School
Paradigm Secondary School
Shree Hindu Mandal Secondary School
Bukoba Hope Lutheran Secondary School
Bishop Moshi Secondary School
Natiro Secondary School
Mtakuja Secondary School
Royal Secondary School
Shilela Secondary School
St. Ursula Secondary School
Uchira Girls Islamic Secondary School
Uroki Secondary School
Ipwaga Secondary School
Al-Huda Islamic Secondary School
Burhani Secondary School
Pongwe Islamic Girls Secondary School

Learn how to adopt Quest Forward Learning and join this network of forward-thinking schools.