The Best-Fit Path from Education to Career

With the Pathways Programme, we support students from their first day in secondary school through to two years into their chosen careers.

This extra-curricular programme helps students better understand themselves, their skills, talents, interests, post-secondary educational options, and career possibilities.

Through self-discovery, career exploration, life skills, and financial education, students can realise their potential, interests, passions, aptitudes, academic capabilities, and purpose. 

Pathways nurtures students to set goals that enable them to chart a course for long-term success. Students investigate careers, determine the necessary educational paths, and evaluate future work life.

Pathways Activities:

  • Quest Sessions
  • Career Club activities
  • Parents Meetings
  • Career Days
  • Counselling sessions


Key Pathways Outcomes for Students:

  • Develop greater self-awareness
  • Gain financial literacy
  • Understand post-secondary education opportunities
  • Understand careers and career pathways
  • Participate in the Quest Forward Alumni Network

The Pathways Programme is exclusively available to all schools in the Quest Forward Network in Tanzania. It complements Quest Forward Learning, which offers secondary students across Tanzania a high-quality education and the opportunity to gain the mindset, habits, and skills to create value for their families, communities, and country.

Figuring out their path from high school into a sustainable, purposeful career is challenging for young people. The Pathways Programme supports them through every step.

Contact Us

Email us at to learn more about Pathways and how you can participate.